(Last Updated June 2023)
Podcast hosting allows you to share your podcast with a wider audience by making it available via popular podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, TuneIn, Alexa, and more.
While features vary depending on the hosting service (and pay tier) you choose, many offer listener statistics, promotional tools, transcription tools, options to monetize content, and more.
Here are some podcast hosting services we recommend as of June 2023. Please follow the links below for more information on the plans and features associated with each service, including many free plans that are perfect for beginning podcasters.
- Free plan provides 5 hours total storage space (500MB) and 100GB monthly bandwidth and includes access to basic podcast stats. Free plan users can publish a maximum of 3 episodes per day. The maximum allowed single file size is 100 MB.
- A range of paid plans (starting at $9 a month) offer unlimited storage space and unlimited bandwidth, plus other features. The Unlimited Plus plan ($29/month) is best option for video podcasts.
- Free plan provides 2 hours of uploads per month and hosts episodes for up to 90 days.
- Paid plans, starting at $12 a month, are month-to-month, with no contract required.
Anchor (now part of Spotify for Podcasters)
- Free.
- Anchor’s hosting service is compatible with video podcasts and provides listener statistics, Spotify music integration, Riverside integration for video podcasts, and more.
- Note that users can only host one podcast per account.
- The free plan provides up to 3 hours of uploads per month.
- Paid plans start from $2.50 per month and offer more storage, bandwidth, advanced statistics, monetization, and distribution options. SoundCloud is easy to use, but their plans are less flexible and customizable than others.
- WordPress users can embed any podcast episode from SoundCloud by simply placing the URL anywhere in their WordPress posts and pages.
Other hosting options that might be a good fit: