We support the building of digital collections, create geographic and temporal visualizations of data, and assist with pedagogical design.
The Digital Scholarship Group welcomes new projects, no matter how big or small. We are happy to consult with you and discuss approaches that might work best for your project.
Our goal is to partner with faculty, staff, and students to develop projects which feature innovative approaches and creative uses of digital technologies.
We seek to engage our students in the exploration of fundamental questions of the liberal arts – what it means to be human, how humans create stories about their existence and its diversity, and how those stories create and disrupt community. Furthermore, how does this exploration build a student’s capacity to, “…examine critically the relationship between humans and technology”. 1
Critical Inquiry
Digital Scholarship is at the intersection of our digital & analog worlds, where digital technologies, methods, and culture are subject to the critical inquiry in the liberal arts.
We strive to create opportunities for students & faculty to investigate and gain proficiency with a variety of digital platforms while encouraging a critical exploration of their impacts on our culture and society.
We provide support for the building of digital scholarship, geographic and temporal visualizations of data, and assistance with pedagogical design. We assist with platform selection, project management, and digital preservation.
We hope that our support for digital scholarship, research, and teaching will increase collaborative scholarship across the curriculum.